Friday, July 25, 2014

Don't Lose Your Cool: Merging Etiquette 101

Merging can be one of the more stressful driving situations people face on the road. With constant horns blaring, indecent hand gestures, and swear words flying it is important to learn the proper way to merge into a lane. Follow these simple steps in order to merge safely and without incident.

1. Accelerate to the same speed as highway traffic.

The first step of merging safely is to make sure you're going the same speed as the traffic on the highway. Use the acceleration lane - the entrance ramp or place where you're entering the highway - to quickly gain speed.

2. Put on your turn signal. 
Do it early, so other drivers know what you intend to do. This gives them time to make any necessary adjustments. However, keep in mind that as the person merging, you don't have the right of way. Other drivers are not expected to move out of the way; rather, they'll keep going at the same speed, and it's up to you to make sure you adjust your speed and merge safely.

3. Look for a gap in traffic.

If traffic on the highway is heavy, you'll have to find a gap before you merge. Keep your eyes on the road, but check your mirrors and look behind you to figure out when it's safe to go. At the same time, maintain an appropriate speed to allow you to merge safely into the flow of traffic.

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